FIMAGE recruitment completed!

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of FIMAGE recruitment! A total of 633 participants attended the clinical visits, and 603 completed additional shoulder imaging. This milestone is certainly a reason for celebration for many of us. However, our radiologists might think differently, facing a significant challenge as they work through the backlog of images that need to be analyzed.

Karin preparin for her “last day of office”.

Current status

Study CenterRecruitment Status (Scheduled)Clinical visitMRICompletion
HelsinkiComplete (since 03/2024)358343100%
TampereComplete (since 12/2023)8578100%
TurkuComplete (since 01/2024)9994100%
KuopioComplete (since 12/2023)3433100%
OuluComplete (since 12/2023)5755100%
Overall 633603100%

On behalf of our entire team, we extend a BIG THANK YOU to everyone involved so far and wish everyone a great summer!

Saara, Simo, Teppo, Pirjo, Thomas and the rest of the FIMAGE-team