Cyrill Suter

MD, Orthopaedic resident

Who are you?

Resident in Orthopedics and Traumatology who relocated from Switzerland to Finland for the obvious reason, so most Finns call it. And not least, to be part of this great research team.

The Favorite part of your job?

In my opinion, the most important part is the people I work with. I consider myself lucky as my colleagues are almost exclusively kind and funny, even making the stressful times become more enjoyable.

Secondly, my job is incredibly diverse which often makes me feel like I am a continual beginner and gives me great motivation to never stop learning new things.

Why did you decide to enter your field?

In my teens I wrecked my left knee playing football and thus had an insider’s view of orthopedic surgery. Looking back I would say also this initiation was the seed for my interest in the field as a whole and made me choose this career path.

Who/What inspires you?

I’m inspired by positive-minded people that are constantly striving for the common good in whatever situation and role they might find themselves.

The most interesting article you’ve read recently?

I just recently came across an interesting article by Turner et al. – “Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence on Apparent Efficacy”. This was published in the NEJM in 2008, and highlights an ongoing and seemingly inevitable problem with industry-sponsored trials which often carries a bias towards publishing positive results.

Your favorite book and why?

I must admit that I haven’t read a book for quite a while. Nowadays, I try to read one article a day in “Hesari”, still hoping to master the Finnish language someday. A book, or more likely its philosophy, that still comes to mind every once in a while is from “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. I’m pretty sure almost everyone could relate to this book and learn a few life-enhancing tips as he stresses the importance of making the most of the “here and now.”